Choosing a Geothermal HVAC System

geothermal HVAC system

A geothermal HVAC system works like a heat pump, but it saves energy by using the constant temperatures underground or underwater to heat and cool your home. Geothermal systems are more expensive at first, but you’ll get your investment back through lower utility bills and increased efficiency. A geothermal unit can even increase the value of your Sarasota, Florida, home. Some of the most popular geothermal heat pumps you can choose from are horizontal, vertical, and pond or lake systems.

Horizontal Systems

A horizontal loop system is economical particularly if you are building a new home. Pipes filled with water or refrigerant are buried in trenches in your yard to absorb heat from the ground in winter. In the summer, they transfer heat away from your home. Since the pipes are long, you’ll need a large lot to install this type of geothermal HVAC system.

Vertical Systems

If your yard isn’t big enough for a horizontal loop, you can have a vertical loop installed instead. For these systems, several holes about four inches wide are drilled around 20 feet apart and 100 to 400 feet deep. The pipes are buried in the holes to form loops, similar to the trenches in a horizontal system. A vertical system installation works better for an existing home, as the installation won’t damage your landscaping as much as a horizontal system installation. However, it is usually more expensive because it involves more physical labor for installation.

Pond or Lake Loops

If you have a pond or lake on your property, you can have the pipes for your geothermal system installed underwater instead of underground. Fresh water circulates through the pipes and then returns to the lake, pond, or well. This requires some digging to connect the loop to the indoor components of your system, but the installation is still easier and less expensive than it is for other types of geothermal HVAC systems.

All American Heating & Cooling has over 30 years of HVAC experience. We can help you to choose and install the best geothermal system for your home. Call us at (941) 451-5228 to learn how a geothermal system can work for your home.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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