4 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Make for Your HVAC System

The new year is a time to think about ways you can improve your life. If you’re a homeowner, one thing you can do is ensure your HVAC system is running efficiently and keeping you comfortable while not increasing your utility bills. Here are a few New Year’s resolutions you can make in Punta Gorda, Florida, to take care of your HVAC system:

Use Your Ceiling Fan More

Running your ceiling fan can help lighten the load on your HVAC system. As a result, it can extend its life and cut down on energy use. The fan helps move air around your home so your HVAC can take a break. Have the fan rotate counterclockwise in the summer for a cooling effect and clockwise in the winter to push warm air that has risen downward.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance

Having an HVAC expert service your system once or twice a year will keep things running smoothly. They will be able to catch potential problems before they disrupt your day. A licensed service technician can assess your system and offer advice to keep it operating at peak efficiency. As a result, you’ll prevent higher energy bills.

Change Filters Regularly

Filters collect dust and other particles. As a result, they keep them from entering the HVAC system where they can clog parts and spread through your air supply. But eventually the filters become clogged and limit airflow into the unit, decreasing their efficiency. Resolve to check filters regularly — every one to three months — and have replacements on hand.

Upgrade Your Thermostat

An old or inaccurate thermostat could be costing you money. The new year is a great time to upgrade to a programmable or smart thermostat that you can set to automatically heat or cool when you’re home. It’ll decrease your unit’s workload while you’re out, saving energy and money.

If you’ve been meaning to make some New Year’s resolutions, remember your HVAC system could use some attention too. Give All American Heating & Cooling a call to make an appointment today. You can reach us at (941) 451-5228. We’re happy to help you achieve your resolutions in the new year.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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